Monday 11 December 2023

Docker File for Java Container

Hi All,

Today I'm sharing my learning on how to write a sample DockerFile for a Java Container.

1. Docker to be installed
2. Decide a existing docker image to which you want to work upon: mostly as OS image on which we will work upon.
3. Download Oracle JDK on your local machine: you will need it upload the JDK to the container.

COPY jdk-21_linux-aarch64_bin.tar.gz /home/
COPY target/docker-ex.jar /home/
RUN tar zxvf /home/jdk-21_linux-aarch64_bin.tar.gz
ENV JAVA_HOME /jdk-21.0.1
ENTRYPOINT [ "java","-jar", "/home/docker-ex.jar" ]
#ENTRYPOINT java -jar /home/docker-ex.jar

Breakdown of the file.

FROM : Here we can either pass the Image ID or Image Name
COPY : JDK & jar to the docker image.
RUN: Execute the unzip command to JDK installation path.
ENV: Set JAVA_HOME and Updated Path of the image.
ENTRYPOINT: start point of image.

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