Monday 30 June 2014

Increase height of panelTabbed in ADF

Hello Fella Today i'm going to share my Learning about how to increase height of panelTabbed in ADF

just go to the source code of panelTabbed and add a property in to it i.e. "dimensionsFrom"

or you can goto property inspector at the bottom you will find dimensionsFrom property just select the disclosedChild

Monday 16 June 2014

AFStretchWidth on table in adf

Hello Fellas, today I sharing my learning how to show all the columns of a table in ADF with using vertical scrollbar,
without using AFStretchWidth we can see the data in this form

but when we use the AFStretchWidth of styleClass property of the table this issue can be resolved.

thank you :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Unlock HR Schema In Oracle 10g

Hello Fellas, today i'm sharing how to unlock the HR schema which is by default unlock in Oracle Database.

just use the code in the sqlplus
  • first login by system user
  • then use this code.
  • alter user hr identified by PASSWORD account unlock
     where PASSWORD will be your user defined password.


Properties File In ADF

Hello Fellas, today i'm sharing my learning of Using the Properties File in ADF.

First Create a Properties file lets say


Put Some Value in the File lets say 
as the properties file takes value in key-pair format.

save it.
now make some changes in faces-config.xml from the WEB-INF folder in the ViewController.

now goto the Application tab under the overview tab see the Resource Bundle
make a new variable
give your properties file name in the Base Name and variable name anything you want like bnd

now use it.

goto the .jspx created

select your component on which you want to use suppose here I want to use on the command button and then to use the properties file we have to make use of EL Expression so for that we can use the property Inspector and edit text (or label depending upon the type of component)property by Expression Builder.

Faces Resources Bundle, you will find you " bnd "  variable and associated components.

refresh the page and you will find your new Changes.

thank you :)

Saturday 7 June 2014

Start Jdeveloper in Linux.

Hello ADF Fellas,
today I'm sharing my learning to how to start Jdeveloper in Linux.
  1. go to home.
  2. enter the command 
  3. cd Oracle/Middleware/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/
  4. jdev

Install Jdeveloper In Linux

Hello ADF Fellas,
today I'm going to share how to Install Jdeveloper in Ubuntu.
Oracle does not provide 64-bit Jdeveloper, for both Linux and Windows.
So we've to install it on 32 bit architecture Ubuntu.
  1. Download it from Oracle Web-Site.
  2. Open the Terminal by pressing alt+ctrl+t .
  3. Login as sudo by  entering the command sudo su
  4. enter the code as sudo chmod +x jdevstudio11117install.bin
  5. and installation begins.

thank you :)

    Thursday 5 June 2014

    Image Display from BLOB (database) in ADF.

    Hello Fellas, today I'm sharing my ADF learning, as display of images from Database column BLOB, from Corousel
    1. Create a table containing at-least two columns one containing id and another the blob.
    2. Make EO & VO of the table.
    3. Drag it to the jspx in form of corousel 

    4. Drag image component from common components to the img.jspx structure,

    leave the dialouge box containing Source & Short Desc,

    5. Create a servlet by right click on view controller and selecting new

    code of the servlet is available here 

    6. now edit the source and shortdesc of image. by writing the code in.
    source                        /imgservlet?id=#{item.Id}
    shortdesc                    #{}

    imgservlet is the name of the servlet which we created as ImgServlet
    and item is a variable created by the carousel item


    thank you :)
    thanks to Adeel

    Tuesday 3 June 2014

    oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.sql.SQLDataException, msg=ORA-01882: timezone region not found

    This JDeveloper error comes in Linux.
    to remove this error.

    first set DB Time

     set time zone in project properties.
    A. In the Project properties of go by double clicking on them.
    B.Go to Run/Debug/Profile on the Left Pane.
    C.If you are using Project Settings Click on Edit by selecting your Profile most of the cases it is Default. 
    D.Select Launch Settings on the left pane and in Java option enter this value Note: you can change according to your Timezone. 
    Duser.timezone=Asia/Kolkata  or
     like I did it for Indian Time Zone.
    E.Click OK and OK again Save your project exit JDeveloper and open again. 
    F. Run your application again

    Sunday 1 June 2014

    hide file and folder in linux

    We can directly hide a folder containing any file by using Linux's own Property.

    1. select the folder,
    2. rename it and PUT .(DOT) before the folder name.
    3. you are done. !!

    Similarly we can un-hide it by pressing a combination of ctrl+h.

    change password in Linux

    • see who is the current user.
    • enter the command to change the password.
      passwd user_name
    • enter the old password.
    • enter the new password.
    • re-enter the new password.

    Dependent LOV in ADF

    Hi Friends, today I'm going to tell you how to make a  dependent LOV(list of values).
    tested on oracle Jdeveloper
    1. Create a Fusion-Web-Application. name it anything I named id as Dependent_LOV.

    2. Select Next  and click Finish.

    3. Select new from model and goto to business tier, adf business component and Select business component from tables.

    4. create your connection.

    5. I've created two new tables named continent and country in the hr schema.
    continent sql               country sql

    6. Make a bind variable name it CurrentContinent in CountryVO. in query section.

    7. edit the SQL QUERY

    8. copy and paste the query in the where clause.


    9. make a LOV. from the CountryVO
    First Continent LOV

    10.from the data list source select a create a new view accessor

    11.  shuttle the ContinentVO1 to the right hand side. and select ok. list attribute as id. and in the ui-hints shuttle the ContinentName 

    13. Now the MOST important LOV i.e. the country LOV
    create the new view accessor from the data source. and select the CountryVO1 and EDIT it

    14 in the edit view accessor. see the bind parameter values and write that component of the current VO on which our current LOV is showing dependency i.e. in our case the Continents
    apply it and OK.

    15. list attribute:- id, ui hints display attributes CountryName. and avoid selecting no included item.

    16. save It and run the app module.
     it will ask for the bind varaible,just click okay.
    and Open CountryVO.

    thank you :)

    A Guide to Installing Oracle HR Schema on an Existing Docker Container

      Hi Reader, Today I want to share my learning on how to install Oracle HR schema on a existing docker container. Step 1: Download the verif...