Hi Folks,
Today I'm sharing my learning to how to Enable HTTPS in JBoss Server.
1. First Generate a self signed SSL Certificate using keytool from command prompt/terminal with the following command.
keytool -genkey -alias awc -keyalg RSA -keystore awc.keystore -validity 365
Here awc is the alias name and the awc.keystore is the the name SSL Certificate and validity is 365 days.
here alias name is the same name as we mentioned while creating the certificate, password same as in the certificate and certificate-key-file is the location of the certificate.
and the port number in the http tag like:
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" redirect-port="8443"/>
Now re-start the JBoss server and start using the https protocol.
Today I'm sharing my learning to how to Enable HTTPS in JBoss Server.
1. First Generate a self signed SSL Certificate using keytool from command prompt/terminal with the following command.
keytool -genkey -alias awc -keyalg RSA -keystore awc.keystore -validity 365
Here awc is the alias name and the awc.keystore is the the name SSL Certificate and validity is 365 days.
Now place the certificate parallel to standalone.xml, at jboss-eap-6.2\standalone\configuration.
Now edit the standalone.xml, add the following entries just below the http connector.
<connector name="https" scheme="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" socket-binding="https" enable-lookups="false" secure="true">
<ssl name="foo-ssl" password="Welcome123#" protocol="TLSv1" key-alias="awc" certificate-key-file="../standalone/configuration/awc.keystore" />
here alias name is the same name as we mentioned while creating the certificate, password same as in the certificate and certificate-key-file is the location of the certificate.
and the port number in the http tag like:
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" redirect-port="8443"/>
Now re-start the JBoss server and start using the https protocol.
Thank You :)