Showing posts with label #DockerTips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #DockerTips. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Docker Local Registry: Learning, Setup, and Pushing Repositories

Hi All,

Today I'm sharing my learning on docker local registry and pushing the repo to the local registry.

Pull the registry from using 

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 registry:2

Note: We need to use the -d switch; otherwise, the container will run in attached mode, and all of the verbosity will start printing on the console.

Let's do a image tag.

docker tag <local-image-name> localhost:5000/<repo-name:tag> ex: * before tagging

docker tag student-service-student localhost:5000/student-service:1.0

* push the code to docker registry.

docker push localhost:5000/student-service:1.0

Now check the created repo in docker registry URL.

Thank You ❤

A Guide to Installing Oracle HR Schema on an Existing Docker Container

  Hi Reader, Today I want to share my learning on how to install Oracle HR schema on a existing docker container. Step 1: Download the verif...