Wednesday 17 February 2016

Lambda Expression in Java 8

Hello Folks,

Today I'm sharing my basic learning to Lambda Expressions.

Lambda Expression

Functional Interfaces: Java 8 intoduced one new Terminology to distinguish interfaces, those intefraces having having only one method.

Lambda Expression are functional only for Functional Interfaces for example Runnable Interface,ActionListener etc.
Lambda used the concept of anonymous inner classes objects.

Syntax of lambda expression

()-> for a single statement

()->{} for multiple line of codes.


One Line Statement:
public class Runns{
public static void main(String... args){
Runnable r=()->System.out.println("Hi Pratik"); //overriding the one and only method i.e. run
Thread t1=new Thread(r);

Multiple Line Code:

public class Runns{
public static void main(String... args){
Runnable r=()->{ //overriding the one and only method i.e. run
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
catch(InterruptedException e){
Thread t1=new Thread(r,"Nile Thread");

Here what we did is creation of a anonymous inner class implementing Runnable interface, and handed it over the Thread's object.

As earlier said lambda works on functional interfaces i.e. having only one method, it it does not to worry about multiple methods, it simply overrides the one and only method.

Thank You :)

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