Hello Fellas, today I'm Sharing my learning on how to get the get the display value of SelectOneChoice in Bean or LOV.
make the SelectOneChoice autoSubmit value true and make a method on valueChangeEvent of the SelectOneChoice,
and write this simple code Snipet in the method.
make the SelectOneChoice autoSubmit value true and make a method on valueChangeEvent of the SelectOneChoice,
and write this simple code Snipet in the method.
Object obj=valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
Object xxx=ADFUtils.evaluateEL("#{bindings.CountryName.items['"+obj.toString()+"'].label}"); System.out.println(xxx.toString());
where CountryName to which you want to get in your bean,
you can use this code anywhere in your bean.
you can use the ADFUtils from here ADFUtils which simply depends on
thank you :)